Yoga, Pilates and Total Body Conditioning

Evening Yoga with Samuel - Starts with 11:30 min of Satsang / Guided Meditation followed by a Physical Class

Lunch Yoga with Samuel - 45 min class

Lunch Yoga with Samuel - From Stone to Feather

Pilates with Oana - 60 min

Yoga with Samuel - 45 min Class - Sommelier of Yoga

Satsang,Mantra and Meditation with Samuel - Ganesha Mantra

Lunch Yoga with Samuel- 45min

Yin Yoga with Oana - Focus on Liver and Galldblader -75 min

Pilates with Oana - 60min

Satsang,Mantra and Meditation with Samuel - Guru Mantra Part I

Lunch Yoga with Samuel -60 min

Yoga with Samuel - 45 min Class

Satsang, Mantra and Meditation with Samuel - Guru Mantra part II

TBC - Excelent Workout for Legs and Back with Streatching

Energizing Morning Yoga with Oana

Yoga practice with Samuel - 90 min
AUM Yoga Luxembourg
Recorded Classes
In case you miss our live classes, you can practice at your own convenience a recorded class.
Recording will be available for the next 72h
This give you the option to slow down, repeat, rewind a certain part of a class. Learning the techniques being used and how to apply them.
Using Yoga, Meditation, Pilates and Total Body Conditioning, you enhance your physical, psychological and emotional health.
Raising the energy, improving your mood, releasing tensions and blockages in the body.
Daily practice, adds great levels of wellness to your life.
Nourishing gradually our Body, Heart and Mind, into Healthy Habits, into Harmony.
You have a variety of classes from 45-90 min
If you would like to practice other classes than the ones bellow, please sign book a recorded class here:
For any Questions contact us on